
DEWSTONE Adventure has re-Branded to FreeForm™

As a result of trademark requirements we have been forced not to use the name Dewstone to sell automotive products as a result of Bridgestone’s assertion that the term “-stone” in any form of a brand in the automotive category is not allowed as this term is protected under their Bridgestone trademark. Dewstone is in no way related to Bridestone of Firestone and to our knowledge does not sell similar products. Due to the relative size of the companies we have not been able to test if this is correct through legal means and have decided to change brand names.

Sorry for any inconvienince - you can find us at the FreeForm’s website

We are still the same company so contact us at any time with any questions you have regarding the product you purchased.

Contact details for FreeForm™ are:

Website www.FreeForm.Life
